1 Week Farm Fresh Bundle Trial
Not ready to commit to a whole subscription?
Try it just for 1 week. Get an idea of what to expect. Check out all the cool perks that come with a subscription, like recipe and storage and preserving tips.
Our Farm Fresh Bundles trials are available starting the first week of June through to the end of October, 2025.
These are local pick-up only at the following dates/locations:
Queen & Ossington Ave - Thursday-Saturday 10-5pm
Leslieville Farmers Market - Sunday 9-2 @ Greenwood Park
At our farm in Erin - Dates & Times TBD
Our Farm Fresh Bundle is filled with yummy fruits & veggies grown right here in the GTA. Our produce is all super fresh and hasn't traveled the world to get to your kitchen.
Our Bundles are the perfect size for 1-2 people and come filled with an exciting assortment of seasonal goodies.
Is this a gift? Ooh, how thoughtful! We provide lovely E-cards that let the recipient know what to expect and what their next steps are.
Pick Up: These are local pick-up only at Queen & Ossington Ave Thursday-Saturday
At the Leslieville Farmers' Market Sundays 9-2 (exact 2025 dates TBD).
Or right at the Farm in Erin (2025 dates/time TBD).
The exact location and directions to your hub of choice will be shared following registration, in the weeks leading up to the Farm Fresh Bundle term.
What exactly will be in my bundle? Our Farm Fresh Bundles will be packed with seasonal fruits & veggies. The exact amount will vary depending on the season and what's ready to harvest. You can usually expect to see at least 6 items or enough for 1-2 people for the week.
Package Availability: Our harvest season runs from the beginning of June to the End of October. As the season progresses, certain packages will no longer be available due to the # of weeks left. This simply means, get yours before it's gone!
What if I can't pick up my Bundle or go on vacation? Let us know 2 weeks in advance and we can skip a week. Otherwise, if it's last minute, we recommend you ask someone else to pick them up for you. If your Bundle is not collected on your designated date/time, it will be donated to someone in need.
Can I specify what I want in my Bundle? At this time we do not do custom or special requests for Produce Bundles. If you have allergies, please speak with us before placing your order to determin if we are able to accomodate. If you are looking to purchase a-la carte, please check out our other produce options.
Can I cancel my Farm Fresh Bundle and refund my money? For our 2025 season, refunds will be available up to one week after the purchase of your Bundle, unless your purchase was made less than a week before your term was set to begin. After that point, no refunds will be issued.
And finally, if any customer's behaviour towards our owner, staff or volunteers is deemed abusive or inappropriate, their order will be cancelled without refund.
Honestly? Delivery is a pain in the butt and it takes us away from working on the farm, so we only deliver our Farm Fresh Bundles in Flemingdon Park and Thorncliff.
We would much rather you pick up at one of our hubs anyways, it's a great way to get out of the house, get some fresh air and get to know each other a bit.